Understanding the Basics of Property Protection

When it comes to property protection, building codes are a crucial aspect that many overlook. They play a vital role in ensuring safety, quality control and liability protection. Compliance with building codes is essential not just for the safety of residents but also for mitigating insurance liabilities and safeguarding community investments. (Learn more about protecting your Board from “Life & Safety” liabilities here.)

Proactive Community Care

Building codes are designed for communities to maintain safety standards while protecting your buildings from large structural issues. Thebest way to ensure long-term property integrity is to address issues while they're still small. Even the smallest defects, such as tiny holes or hairline cracks, can lead to significant problems if left unattended. Here are some practical steps to maintain your property:

Protect the Building Envelope

The building envelope includes all exterior elements that shield the interior from the weather, such as your roof, stucco and windows. Keeping this protective layer in good condition is crucial.

Roof Maintenance

  - Regularly inspect the roof for signs of wear and tear.

  - Check the warranty and be aware of actions that could void it, such as major storms or unauthorized personnel walking on the roof.

  - Address minor issues promptly, like clogged gutters or small leaks, to prevent them from becoming major problems.

Stucco Care

  - Look for any cracks, holes, or lines in the stucco, no matter how small they appear. Even a small hole can allow enough water inside the wall system to cause major structural damage.

  - Fix these issues immediately to prevent water intrusion. Ensure any repair solution incorporates moisture control system and finishes with waterproofing to protect the building and its components.


  - Understand the difference between a simple painting protocol and a comprehensive waterproofing solution. While painting can offer some protection, waterproofing is a more thorough process that takes extra time and money – but significantly enhances your building's resistance to water intrusion.

  - Ensure all elements of your building (i.e., roof, stucco, stairways, balconies, etc.) have an aspect of waterproofing. Each element of your building is interconnected, and they depend on each other to maintain overall structural integrity. Waterproofing is a necessary step to protect these materials from water-related damage.

BONUS: Balconies and Stairways

  - Although not part of the building envelope, balconies and stairways are critical structural elements. Their structural integrity is essential to the rest of the building, so waterproofing them is a necessity.

  - Watch for cracks, bowing, rust or any unusual physical appearance. These could indicate underlying issues that need immediate attention.

  - Stairways combine different types of materials to create a well-installed walkway. Each of these materials react to water differently, expanding and contracting at differentiates, so waterproofing becomes an especially crucial step in the process to ensure long-term durability.

By maintaining a vigilant eye on these critical areas and acting swiftly to repair any minor damage, you can prevent more severe and costly issues down the line. This proactive approach not only protects the physical structure of your property but also ensures the safety and satisfaction of its residents.

Not Sure Where to Start?

If you’re uncertain about what needs to be addressed first, give us a call. We can take a look and identify any issues that need immediate attention. Schedule a free consultation with us today and ensure your property is protected from top to bottom.