Our Blog

Insights to help you better care for your community.

Understanding the Impact of “Life & Safety” Issues on Insurance and Liability

“Life and safety” are not to be taken lightly when it comes to resident safety or insurance liability for your community.
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Life & Safety

Maximize Your Roof’s Lifespan with the Right Materials

Choosing the right, high-quality materials is one of the most important decisions you make when it comes to repairing your community.

Understanding the Basics of Property Protection

The best way to ensure long-term property integrity is to address issues while they are still small.
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Preventative Maintenance

Race Against Time: The 7-Year Window for Construction Defect Claims

Has your community conducted a thorough inspection since the turnover of your association?
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Construction Defects

Digging Deeper: Exposing the Top Five Construction Defects You Need to Know

Construction defects aren’t just minor inconveniences – they’re ticking time bombs threatening the safety and stability of buildings.
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Construction Defects

The Crucial Role of Waterproofing in Building Protection

Water intrusion is an unfortunate reality wreaking havoc on many multi-family structures, the extreme of which we saw during the tragic Surfside collapse in 2021.
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Preventative Maintenance